Thursday, October 23, 2008

Bond, James Bond

Handsome, well-athletic. Always wear tuxedo and Rolex wristwatch. In a bar anywhere, he always order a vodka Martini "shaken, not stirred." And when introducing themselves, he always wear a distinctive style, he mentioned the name twice: "Bond, James Bond." With all the uniqueness, the MI6 agent number 007 should not a detective that great. He too readily identified. Too attract attention, especially for the beautiful woman who never absent in one place.

But what would MUST, Mr. Bond is a spy bully in the world of fiction, novels or films. Since created by Ian Fleming in 1952, Bond dominate espionage fiction story. But from where Fleming get the idea to create a powerful figure that? There is said, Fleming created Bond in February 1952, when he vacationed in one of the state of Jamaica, Goldeneye. Later, the name of the state also created one of the Bond series.

James Bond name itself is taken from a Caribbean bird experts who write books Birds of the West Indies. "I want a name that sounds not the most interesting, the most common. I think James Bond is much better than the 'Peregrine Carruthers'. Gen. exotic and strange can happen in himself and in the surrounding areas, but the character must remain normal, "Fleming said in the interview with Readers Digest. But there are also saying that the name is taken from the Church of St. James Bond in Toronto, Canada.

The name can be taken from the name of the church or poultry expert, but many people believe, the character Bond is taken directly from their own personal Fleming. Indeed, too many similarities between them, ranging from school, favorite food (coffee and eggs Switzerland-insomnia), habits (drinking, smoking and stem 60 a day, wear short-sleeve shirt), a career military in the Navy, the body, eye color , And hairdo. Of course, Fleming also useful from the party to party among the jet set and eager women exceptional beauty.

However, the Bond is not too big if measured by the lives of Britain. In Goldfinger written in 1959, their income is only U.S. $ 4,200 per year. By calculating the inflation for umpteen years, revenue is equal to U.S. $ 28,719.

Never explicitly mentioned how Bond-age, but about the Flamboyan the age of 30s. At least this can be understood from the novel Moonraker (1955) when Bond will be notified of the pension section 00 at the age of 45 years. At that time, Bond said, he still has time eight years. In conclusion, when he was aged 37 years old. This is a benchmark and is also used by the successor Fleming. In the movie, this benchmark age (30 years-an) used, except in A View to a Kill performed by Roger Moore who was aged 57 years old.

Bond physical picture, especially in the novel From Russia with Love, always the same. 183 centimeters high, weight 76 kg, there codet vertical in the right cheek (not visible in the film), kebiruan gray-eyed, full lips, short-haired and black.

Both the novel or movie, Bond is described as a man who is very smart and know everything. In Goldfinger, for example, he calculates how many trucks needed to haul the gold in Fort Knox.

Despite playing like women, Bond was never married, as told in On Her Majestys Secret Service, but his wife, Teresa in Vicenzo, died on the wedding day.

Bond also have children, but not from Teressa. He had the father of a child born by Kissy Suzuki, as told in You Only Live Twice. In the version Fleming, Bond did not know he was a child. New in Blast From the Past written by Raymond Benson, Bond know.

Bond character so complete. He has become a fictional character intact. Only one who has not written about: his death. Bond is never dead. After Fleming died in the 1964 James Bond not even take off. Kingsley Amis, John Pearson, John Gardner, Raymond Benson and Charlie Higson to continue the work Fleming.

Until the end of 2006, is about 21 James Bond movies made. Bond leaders have many times experienced player turnover. Start from Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan, and Daniel Craig.

The first James Bond is Sean Connery. The last, Daniel Craig. Roger Moore is the most actors portray Bond; Moore has recorded 7 times to play as a British agent George and digilai this woman.

Actor George Lazenby is the least star Bond movie: just one time, in the movie On Her Majesty's Secret Service. This is suspected by protests from the fans who claim James Bond actor is utterly inappropriate role as Bond.

After Pierce Brosnan refused her the next Bond movie, the role of agent 007 this fall into the hands of actor Daniel Craig. This is the opportunity to invite controversy because Craig is not considered an appropriate figure for her Bond. Craig is James Bond movie star the first blond. Previously there was no James Bond star blond.

The uniqueness of the James Bond movies are opening in every scene, in which the series since Dr. No, every James Bond movie begins with a snippet of weapons that shot 007 introducing these agents. Presents a fire weapon, Bond is seen beside the scene is running, and then turn quickly and shoot. The next scene change color to red blood, and the shot is changed into the circle.

This opening scene was continuously used until now. The opening scene usually lasts for five minutes. However, in the James Bond movies: The World is Not Enough, the opening scene lasts 15 minutes.

In addition, the James Bond movies always complemented by equipment, vehicles and facilities that date. Some brand cars that decorate the first James Bond movie until the end of Bentley, Aston Martin, Lotus, BMW, Ford, and Rolls-Royce.

This is the most important: Bond girls. These elements never behind in every Bond film. Bond girl in the first movie that is very famous Ursula Andress, a double origin of Switzerland. Some other beautiful double that had a Bond Girl is Daniela Bianchi, Jane Seymour, Claudine Auger, Teri Hatcher, Izabella Scorupco, and Denise Richards.

From the many James Bond movies, do not always show the blonde girl United States or European origin. However, several European non girl or the United States also has joined a Bond Girl. Some girls non-European United States is Akiko Akabayashi in You Only Live Twice, and Michelle Yeoh in Tomorow Never Dies. Although Halle Berry is double the original U.S., he is a stage that the first black to be Bond Girl.

1 comment:

Megaupload Search Engine said...

Bond,James Bond, I think this movie has a great impact on everybody's mind.After this movie everyone have one dialogue in their mouth is the Bond, James Bond.